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Battery Fire

Battery Fire

No one is prepared for everything all the time, it’s just a fact of life.  Emergency may strike anytime, and place.  One of the best ways to be prepared is to learn as much as you can.  You can’t carry your bug out bag with you everywhere you go, but you can take your knowledge...
Charge your Battery

Charge your Battery

Any flashlight enthusiast knows that constantly replacing and maintaining batteries can be a huge pain, not to mention pricy.   Batteries aren’t cheap.  Consistently picking up a pack from the store and replacing them time and time again can really start to add up.  Don’t get me wrong, it’s always great to have a good back...
What’s the difference between alkaline and lithium batteries?

What’s the difference between alkaline and lithium batteries?

We spend a lot of time talking about flashlights on this blog (duh, right?), but batteries are just as important; without batteries, you can’t even use a flashlight. It seemed worthwhile to spend a little time going over some battery information since batteries play such a crucial role in the functionality of your flashlight. I never know what...
Best Batteries for Flashlights

Best Batteries for Flashlights

The purpose of this post is to, hopefully, inform you on what kind of batteries are out there. When the time comes to buy more batteries for flashlights, there are lots to put into consideration. I like to stick to the basics and like things done “old-school.” For batteries you basically have two different kinds: rechargeable...
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