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A Butterfly For King Kong!

A Butterfly For King Kong!

Being a knife enthusiast, you come across some pretty interesting things.  Knives with dinosaur bone handles (yes really), bad flipping injuries, the list goes on.  But recently I came across something I knew I had to share.  It’s ridiculous, it’s impractical, but it’s just so freaking awesome.  This is definitely the biggest butterfly knife I...


Ever have one of those days where you were just so thankful to have your obsession with knives, hatchets and all things sharp?  Saturday was one of those days for me.  My Kershaw Camp Axe 1018 really helped me out.  Let me explain. We have this tree in our backyard.  It’s been there for about...
Blade Show 2015!

Blade Show 2015!

We CANNOT WAIT for this weekend!  June 5th kicks off Blade Show 2015 in Atlanta, one of the biggest knife shows of the year.  Quite frankly, we can’t wait.  It’s going to be awesome.  We will do our best to keep you updated through the blog, our youtube channel, and social media, so be sure...
Disney Brings New Life to LED Lights!

Disney Brings New Life to LED Lights!

If you are on this blog, it’s because you adore LED lights.  I know I do.  Being a huge fan, I love to see how different people are using LED’s, how they are being revolutionized, and seeing the amazing things they are truly capable of.  Browsing around the other day, I stumbled across a new,...
Knife Hack #2 Car Window

Knife Hack #2 Car Window

Last week we tested the theory that you could sharpen your knife using the bottom of a ceramic plate or mug.  The theory, much to my surprise, worked rather well.  Before sharpening, the knife would snag, and eventually tear the envelope.  However, after sharpening on a ceramic plate, the knife showed considerable change in sharpness. ...
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