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LED Stocking Stuffers

It’s hard to forget about holiday gifts altogether, but stocking stuffers are something that I often forget about until the last minute. It’s really a shame, too, because stocking stuffers can be just as meaningful as larger gifts, if you put a little thought into them.

Flashlights are something that can come in handy for anyone, and because they can come in tiny sizes, an LED can make some great stocking stuffers. Take a look at just a few of the smaller LEDs we carry at Blade HQ:

outback-bitzer-orange-sku-150 fenix-flashlight-e01-blue-compact-nichia-13-lumens olight-flashlight-13-eos-red nitecore-sens-mini foursevens-preon-p1-blue outback-flashlight-boomerang-sku-140-orange


What LED Flashlight do you want this holiday season?

Get your LED Flashlights from Blade HQ!