For over a decade now, the Boker Kalashnikov has reigned as King of the affordable automatic knife. And should we really be surprised with Boker having a history that stretches as far back as the 1700s...
Knife enthusiasts everywhere rejoice when they flip open a blade and see the iconic boomerang with the Osborne name inscribed on the blade, and no knife does the Osborne name more justice than those in the eponymous Benchmade 940 series. The pocket knife designed by the late, great Warren Osborne is a work of art...
When it comes to holding a piece of American history in your hands, the serious collector may wonder where to begin. What could possibly capture the freedom of Walt Whitman wandering in the wilderness or the joy of discovering an arrowhead buried on the bank of a river? And what about the courage of the...
Everyone loves a good crossover, and that’s what Suprlativ set out to bring us. Knifemaking legends Enrique Pena, Jared Oeser, and Javi Garcia combined decades of experience and knife knowledge into one definitive brand. Each contributor has a history in the custom knife game, but Reate, the gold standard of production knifemaking, makes Suprlativ. The...
The Cold Steel Recon 1 is truly unique in the sense that it is one of the toughest folding knives you can buy. From the blade material to the lock design, the knife is rock solid and ready for action. Get to know more in our review!...
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