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Black Legion Double Trouble

Black Legion Double Trouble

The Black Legion Double Trouble is made by United Cutlery—the company makes some pretty unique-looking knives that have a fantasy factor, and some of them just scream “zombie.” I really like this knife because while it does look somewhat like a fantasy knife, it’s also very functional and great for everyday carry. The Black Legion Double...
FourSevens Preon PenLight

FourSevens Preon PenLight

We spend a lot of time on this blog talking about the types of LEDs that probably come to mind when you hear the word “flashlight”—large, sturdy, black flashlights. While these are probably going to be what you’re looking for most of the time, there are still a lot of other sweet LED flashlights that...
New Frank B. Stilettos!

New Frank B. Stilettos!

I know you guys are crazy about your stilettos! Out of all of the sweet blades we have over here at Grindworx, stilettos are definitely some of the classiest. Frank B. stilettos are made in Italy, and they are some of the most beautiful stilettos you’ll encounter. They showcase great craftsmanship and beautiful materials for...
Blade Show 2014: Awards & New Knives

Blade Show 2014: Awards & New Knives

You might not be aware that Blade Show happened last week. Just kidding. I know you’re aware that Blade Show happened. I’ve compiled a bunch of stuff for this post from 2014 Blade Show. You’ll notice it’s not exhaustive as far as brands or products go, but I did include awesome stuff from Spyderco, Microtech,...
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